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At Wallace McDowall we are thrilled to join in on the international celebration of Women in Engineering. This special day not only recognises the invaluable contributions of women in the field of engineering but also highlights their determination, resilience and unwavering commitment to innovation. As a manufacturing company that thrives on engineering excellence we are proud to honour and celebrate the exceptional women who have revolutionized our industry, shattering stereotypes and continuing to inspire future generations.

One of the most significant contributions we can make as a manufacturing company is inspiring the next generation of women engineers. We are committed to engaging with schools, universities and communities to showcase the diverse opportunities and the exciting possibilities within the field of engineering. By hosting workshops, apprenticeship programs and internships we aim to empower young women to pursue their passion for engineering fearlessly and break through any remaining barriers.

Today, we were delighted to attend the 10th anniversary celebrations at the Scottish Engineering head quarters in Glasgow. Where our Young Engineer of the year Natasha presented her experiences, achievements and future aspirations within the industry.

To our remarkable female engineers and colleagues within our company, we extend our deepest gratitude for your invaluable contributions. Your brilliance expertise and leadership are driving us towards a brighter and more inclusive future.

Happy Women in Engineering Day !